Exported gradebook should match filters on the grade screen

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-07-07).

On the "Grades" screen you can filter the students who appear on the screen so that it only shows active students or only shows a particular section of a merged class.  However, the exported gradebook csv file shows everybody (active, inactice, all sections and so forth).  The exported gradebook should recognize the filters used in the grade screen.

I noticed that parts of this have already been requested.  For example. there has been requests that only active students are in the csv file or only individual sections should be exported.  If the exported csv matches what is seen on the screen this will take care of all these issues.

Community Explorer

@Stef_retired Now that this idea has been developed and placed in Beta, I have not been able to observe the change.

When I act as an instructor and create a custom view of the grade-book (by changing the 'View > Arrange By' and 'View > Filters' options), and then Export the CSV file, the Columns are always in the same default order, they do NOT display in the same order as shown in the user’s Gradebook.

Am I missing something? How can I view this change?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@oBurgess3  If the new functionality isn't working in your beta instance as described in the deploy notes, please ask Canvas Support to have a look at the instance; if something in the functionality has changed since the deploy notes were issued, they'll bring it to the attention of the engineers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Complete
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

FYI, this is currently a Known Issue:  Gradebook csv does not respect the gradebook order...

Community Contributor

@Stef_retired the idea submitted by @cxy11 has not been deployed, as far as I can tell. The idea was that the export should match the current view of the gradebook, respecting any and all filters. In my test this morning, it did not respect section, module, or assignment groups or also assignment filters. I would like to see the original idea developed. I don't see another ticket for this. Should I create a new idea?

Community Participant

Agreed, this idea has not been deployed and should not be in the 'Completed' status.

The idea asked for the Gradebook export to respect any active filters at the time of exporting, while the change that was made and deployed relates only to the order of columns.

If I have filtered the Gradebook down to say, a section of students and a particular assignment, then this should be reflected in the Gradebook export. Currently it is not.

@Stef_retired are you able to please change this idea back to it's previous status?

Community Novice

Agreed with @MWilliams24. This idea has not been employed and would be a significant improvement. It is very annoying to filter and entire gradebook only to have to do it all over again in the exported file. Please open this idea again @Stef_retired 



Community Novice

I also support the need to include the option for exporting the filtered data only!

This creates additional work for all users when exporting to excel and having to set up and use filters again when it was already completed in the program.

Community Member

I agree with @SarahRaoult and @AmandaHill10! The exported data needs to be filtered.

More work is created for users if the data exported is not filtered as required. 

Community Novice

Any type of filter is irrelevant as the csv download contains the whole gradebook. Not only is it annoying and time consuming, it is just not good practice for all users to be downloading such large amounts of data that is not even necessary, and the problem will get worse as time goes by. Definitely a function that needs improvement.