[DocViewer] Print annotated comments from Speedgrader

Screenshot of print preview where track changes are included in printed version of documentWe have heard a few requests from instructors to get an export or printing function built into the Speedgrader that will allow them to print their annotated comments, similar to how track changes can be printed from Word (see screenshot).


The closest workaround is to download the annotated submission, open in Acrobat Pro and follow these instructions, which would be time-consuming.

Added to Theme

Community Champion

Our instructors want this too. Thank you for posting this feature request!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

1086095, do either of these, or a combination of the two, encompass what you're hoping to see implemented?

https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8676-ability-to-download-and-save-all-feedback-in-speedgrader-... (open for voting)


We've put your idea into Moderating mode to give you the opportunity to assess the existing ideas, and we're looking forward to your feedback.

Community Novice

Thanks for the heads up, Stefanie. Unfortunately, I don't see my feature idea represented in these, as I not only want to be able to download the annotated files, but to also be able to print them. The download would have to be formatted such that they are printable, and that is not explicit in the other requests.

Community Participant

My professors want this functionality as well. I will ask them to vote it up. 

Community Novice

Printable PDF downloads with full annotations are also a need at UC Irvine, both for instructors and students. The inconsistency of this feature now has caused confusion because some annotations appear correctly in PDFs in common reader applications (e.g. Preview), while others do not, and there is no clear warning / explanation to that effect that users can readily locate.

Community Novice

I'm hearing this even more from the student side. Our students want to be able to print the drafts of their papers with full instructor comments to be able to review, take to class or a meeting with the instructor, and make necessary changes.

Community Member

Have commented on https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1275-download-assignment-comments-and-completed-rubrics" modif... as well as stefaniesanders tip above. Am rather dismayed at how long this idea has been 'on the radar' - it is essential for quality control/accreditation purposes as well as for students who prefer working with hard copy. I just learned today that our external examiner (part of the UK quality control system for universities) wants everything printed out - and it will take me ages to collate my in-text comments (DocViewer), general assignment comments (Speedgrader) and Canvas rubrics - why can't Canvas do this for me?

speedgrader‌ (aka snailgrader!)

Community Novice

I've used comments and annotations as detailed feed back for my students in chemistry only to find students frustrated by my apparent lack of comments and annotations.

Community Explorer

YES!  PLEASE! We really need this change.  Not only can't students print the comments, but the online view is this teeny little window that is impossible to manipulate in size.   Currently, this has to be the least functional tool in Canvas!  As a composition professor--it's all about feedback.  For the past year, I've been downloading all essays, commenting in Word, and then uploading one-by-one (had trouble with some of the files in the batch download/upload not matching). 

It would be amazing if students could print a copy of their essay with comments!  That's why I upload in PDF, so the comments are immediately visible!


Community Novice

This would be a marvelous function!