[Discussions] Rearrangment of regular discussion assignments
It would be meaningful to have the ability to rearrange "regular" discussion board assignments in some sort of logical order chosen by the instructor. The display will be more logical where the assignments are arranged by their order. i.e., Discussion on 1 top, followed by 2, and then the rest in their order. The regular discussion section claims it is ordered by recent activities which in my case is not so. I have discussions that are positioned in a logical sense - it is neither based on the date created nor the due dates nor any logic that makes meaning. This is important because not all discussions are going to be categorized as "pinned"
It would be meaningful for instructors to have the ability to rearrange "regular" discussion board assignments in some sort of logical order chosen by them. The display will be more logical where the assignments are arranged by their order. i.e., Discussion on 1 top, followed by Discussion 2, and then, Discussion 3, the rest in their order. Otherwise, instructors can also choose to order by due dates.