[Dashboard] show all grades

Problem statement:

Currently there's no way for users to see grades for all of their classes in one place. If a user wishes to check their grades, they have to click "Courses" > "Class name" > "Grades", then scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page (if on mobile) -- for each class they're taking.

Proposed solution:

Add a "Grades" page in the sidebar that shows the user's current grade in each active course.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @Ben30 -

On the dashboard, there is a button that says View Grades. It's at the very bottom of the Dashboard Sidebar on the right side of the screen.

Here, there is a summary of all grades and links to the course(s). Will this work in your use case?

How do I view grades in the Dashboard as a student? 

Community Member

Cool -- I didn't know about that page! It does work for my use case, but I think it might be helpful to change how it's accessed.

I didn't there was a right sidebar or a "View Grades" button since I (like most people I know) use the "List View" on the Dashboard rather than "Recent Activity," so I didn't see a way to access the page.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi! If you're using the list view, there's an icon at the top of your list, over to the right, that should allow you to view All Grades as well.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Because this functionality is currently available, this thread is being moved to our Will Not Consider status.