Custom Role Name on "View All or Customize" screen

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting...


In our Administrative Pages of Canvas, we created a custom role called "Viewer" which is based on the "Teacher" Base Type.  This "Viewer" custom role allows us to enroll our faculty in "Master Term" courses to view curriculum but not make changes to it.  Also, they can still import content from this term into their own sections.  However, if you take a look at the example screen shot, the "View All or Customize" screen just indicates that an instructor is "Enrolled as a teacher"...even though when we invited the instructor to a course, we chose our "Viewer" custom role.


On this "View All or Customize" screen, it would be helpful if it actually said "Enrolled as a Viewer" (or whatever custom name you created) instead.  This would reflect the kind of access that the instructor truly has to that course.  Currently, our faculty would have to click on each course to determine if he/she has the ability to edit content.


Also, if it doesn't already, the e-mail invite that gets sent to the instructor should show the name of the custom role that the person has been given for a course.



Comments from Instructure

This change was fixed in our April 1 release. The engineering ticket was noted as a bug fix but did not include any support cases. Release notes indicate fixed bugs for behaviors that have affected a lot of our customers, and in this case, we couldn’t fully note the effect. We’ve learned a few things about our engineering tickets since then and have been trying to err on the side of noting any fix that may have a notable implication, and we apologize for inadvertently neglecting this change. We are glad that you are now able to view your custom roles!

Community Contributor

excellent news!

Community Champion

HI Bob,

We have had the same issue with the help -> contact your instructor feature for our custom TA-based roles, and have a few class with 2500+ students and 100 or so sections.  We have a custom TA role that lets them essentially see the content and the gradebook. It's causing a lot of problems for these instructors because they don't know where these messages are coming from or whether they need to respond. 

I opened up a ticket last week and they finally escalated it as a bug (but I had to ask them to).  There isn't a JIRA or bug ID assigned to it yet.  It's ticket #01069669 in service cloud.


Community Team
Community Team

Deactivated user​...

Has this been released to Production?  I don't recall seeing any release notes that have indicated this has been work on by Instructure.

Community Team
Community Team

checking on that Chris.

Community Explorer

Any updates on this?

Community Novice

Hi, Any updates on plans to have this worked on or resolved?

As below we have found that invites show the base account rather than the custom account type;

invite 1.jpginvite 2.jpg


Community Contributor

we have noted this too... i thought it was being addressed and cannot see why it has been overlooked

Community Champion

I just got an earful last week from a faculty member who was in a class with a role derived from the TA role because it's demeaning for her to be there as a TA as a professor at the college.  I had to tell her it's just how permissions work in the system and has nothing to do with her status of teacher of the section in the SIS.

Another problem is in any sort of training situation for faculty and staff - we have custom roles for "Trainer" and "Participant" but no way for those to show in various places.  Professors do not like to be referred to as "students" in this scenario.

Having these custom role names appear globally would really alleviate some of their frustration. 

Community Novice

As this feature idea has been archived, will anyone at Instructure actually see the most recent comments? Or will another request need to be made to get this raised again, there does seem to be a fair amount of interest in resolving it looking at the comments that have been posted.

Community Team
Community Team

Since Cosme is a part of this conversation, he should get notified of any new responses.  I have also been in contact with one or two Community Managers about this they know it is important to me.  Smiley Happy