Create an emoji button in the comment section of Speedgrader

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Okay, I know it's going to get buried down here on the bottom, and it might be really silly BUT, I've mentioned this to a few other like minded teachers and they've all liked the idea.


In the far right part of the Speedgrader where you leave comments,




I want a little button next to the audio/video choice that if clicked would show: Emojis!




Think of how much typing you would save if you could just click and insert one or more than one of these bad boys/girls in a comment. It would also add the element of fun to something (feedback) that can feel stressful.


Not only that but, sociology professor Ben Agger at the University of Texas at Arlington, "says that the growth of emoticons says a lot about how we’re otherwise limited when communicating . “Emoticons bring the nuances of face-to-face or voice-to-voice interaction, those nuances and subtleties which are necessarily lacking when you’re interacting by way of the screen,” he says. “They attempt to make up for that alienation.”"


From the same BBC article "researchers are aware of emoticons’ social significance, and [they] have begun to investigate exactly how they can influence us during conversations. For example, one recent study found that using smiley face emoticons when delivering negative feedback to employees improved the chances of that feedback being accepted, so long as the feedback itself was specific. Other research found that students could be made more willing to participate in  classes when emoticons were used in  discussion groups.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Community Coach
Community Coach

And one can also use a browser extension such as  

Community Contributor

Thanks David. 

Community Novice

I have to second that! In discussions would be great but everywhere would also be great!

Community Novice

I see this has been going on since 2015 with no progress for a built-in emoji or Like buttons in SpeedGrader or even the Canvas email system. In discussions there is only a like button and that does not work in group discussions.Very frustrating.

Community Explorer

I would like to be able to add very basic pictorial comments - a gold star, a green checkmark, a red X, etc. Cutting and pasting emojis creates weird formatting. Now, if we had a quick (often used) comments in speedgrader, I could spend the effort setting up emojis to not be weird and then just reuse that comment. However, often use replies has been a pending request for five years so... [emoji shrug]

Community Novice

I agree. Been asking for YEARS that this to be included especially in groups discussions.



David s. Levine, MBA, Adjunct Faculty

Rutgers University

School of Communication & Information

4 Huntington Street

New Brunswick, NJ 08901<>;<>;<>

+1 929.230.1798


Community Member

I was thinking the same thing!

Community Member

YESSSSS! I am always wanting to do this and resort to old school keystrokes 🙂

Community Member

Please add stickers/emojis for the comment section of assignments for my young students!