[Course Settings] Show students with "lastname, firstname" throghout website (not only in grade book)
In most of Canvas the default is to SORT students by "last name" BUT to SHOW students as "first_name last_name" in the list, which makes it extremely hard (at least for me), to find students. It would be WAY easier if the display would be "last_name, first_name" instead. I'm guessing there's lots of people who like "first_name last_name", that's why the default is like that, but it would be great if we had the option to show "last_name, first_name" for us that look students up by last name all the time.
Example locations (to clarify):
- People list - Group assignment list (where you drag/drop into groups)
- Speed grader pulldown list
In all those locations, which I use a lot, I have to find the last name after the first name, which slows thing down a lot (my groups are 70+ students!). The list shows Peter Alpha Jane Beta Joe Gamma Anne Delta I want *all* of those lists (really, anywhere in Canvas where student lists are shown) to be: Alpha, Peter Beta, Jane Gamma, Joe Delta, Anne Hopefully this was clear enough, but feel free to ask for any clarifications.
Have a setting in the Canvas profile options to show all of the lists in "lastname, firstname" instead of "firstname lastname".