[Course Settings] Post Grades no Marks to students
Some schools at my university have a grades no marks policy. This means that assignments are graded as normal but students don't receive a mark just a letter grade. Each assignment still requires a numeric value to calculate the final grade at the end of semester. We currently have a workaround. In Assignment Group 1 and assignment is created for the submission but it has a zero value. Students submit their work, it is assessed, they are given feedback, and a letter grade is entered as the mark. This is posted so students can access their feedback and view their grade. A second assignment is created in Assignment Group 1. This second assignment is where the marker adds the numeric value for the assignment. It is never posted so the student sees only the letter grade. This workaround adds time to set up and is confusing to new team members and to students.
The Grading Scheme settings in Canvas should have a setting so only a letter grade is visible to students when assignment grades are posted. This could be a checkbox, or it could default to that setting if certain grading schemes are selected. This should be controlled at a sub-account admin level, and should roll over when new session sites are created.