[Course Settings] Allow De-Cross-listing for Teachers

Problem statement:

This idea was posted before but was closed stating the functionality exists however, if you follow Canvas' documentation it breaks the functionality from working. Here are the current steps for cross-listing: How do I cross-list a section in a course as an in a course as an Instructor? If you follow these steps, you remove yourself from the original course which then removes the ability to de-cross-list as you have to be enrolled in the original course to perform the de-cross-list. (See note that you must be enrolled in the course to de-cross-list on de-cross-listing instructions)

Proposed solution:

Save the Teacher and TA enrollments in the course or somehow keep a "cookie" that Canvas would recognize you were the person who cross-listed the section initially and should then be able to de-cross-list it.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

I think this function would be helpful to campus communities. There will always be the need for undoing cross-listed courses.


Carla Harper

Community Champion

@nwilson7 -

I don't know your role at your institution, but I was under the impression that Canvas could be tweaked at the institution level to allow or not allow teachers/instructors to de-cross list a course.  I believe that is what mine has done, so we have to contact our Canvas admins to perform the de-cross list.  I am not sure of their reason for that.  I do know that for a few years when we first started using Canvas that the de-cross list was an option for me.  Since then it has disappeared and I contacted our admins ( a few years back) and I believe what I said above is the case.


Community Champion

@Ron_Bowman Thank you for your response!  I am the admin for our institution and allowed the ability for cross-listing for our instructors but could not find anything specific to allow de-cross listing so I reached out to support and they confirmed the issue was what I created this feature request for.  I feel like something has to have changed as faculty at my institution used to be able to de-cross list or at least I thought they were able to.  I am also seeing lots of people mention not being able to de-cross list in this community recently.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme