[Course Navigation] Improve Navigation for Course Builders

Problem statement:

The Pages course navigation link/shortcut sends course builders first to the Home/Front Page, requiring an extra step/upper button click to reach the global list of all course pages. When faculty and IDs are clicking through the Pages course navigation link/shortcut, 99% of the time, it is to reach a specific course page (rarely the Home/Front Page). Note: As a rule, we do not enable the Pages course navigation link/shortcut for students; it only serves to facilitate course building. All pages that students need to view are made accessible through the course modules in which they reside.

Proposed solution:

Swap the behavior of the Pages course navigation link/shortcut; have it take users directly to the the global list of all course pages, and have the extra step/upper button serve to take the user to the Home/Front Page as (far less frequently) needed. It seems like a minor annoyance (it is just one extra click, after all), but we begin to begrudge Canvas the seconds lost, repeatedly, across our busy course building work days; simply trying to quickly access specific course pages.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to the Improved UI Controls and Usability - Added or clearer navigation and links for further consideration.