[Commons] Allow upload (and bulk upload) of images directly to Commons, not via a course.

Problem statement:

Massive amounts of images (or other assets/resources) are used in online learning. However, Canvas limits the ability to have a Repository of these assets by setting a file storage limit to a user or course, and then requires an image to first be uploaded to a user's Files or a course's Files BEFORE clicking "add to Commons". We have thousands of images that we'd like to upload for our designers to have access to. These all need to be uploaded and properly labeled, tagged, titled, and licensed. Going the route identified above to do that is tedious and limited.

Proposed solution:

Each Institution Instance (root account or subaccount too maybe) should have its own Repository space within Commons, and from within Commons there should be the ability to upload directly to that space for either individual assets or as bulk upload. Similar to the way Studio allows for upload of videos directly from within Studio.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Improvements in Commons Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for your submission. Added to theme.