[Classic Quizzes] Improve Batch/Bulk Management of Quiz Banks
I have been making a number of changes to my course and these ideas would have sped up my process considerably, as well as reduced the need for future manual work. The problems I ran into: - Cannot copy all questions in a quiz bank to a new bank (you can move them all at once but not copy them) - Quiz banks cannot be combined so if I want a question to appear in more than one bank, I need to copy it, creating duplicates. - Quiz bank questions cannot be batch updates, e.g., if I want to change the point value or font size of 50 questions, I have to click-click-click into each one, one at a time. - Questions in banks cannot be linked, so if I have duplicate questions in several banks and need to make a change, I need to change it in multiple places.
1. Add the ability to copy all questions in a bank to another bank. Add it to the "Move" feature. This one seems straightforward and would have saved me several hours. 2. Add the ability to batch edit questions in a quiz bank: Add a checkbox on the left next to each one, including one at the top to 'select all.' Then put a drop-down that gives options for changes to make. Include 'Update point value' but it was also be nice to cascade formatting changes on the questions themselves. For instance, I had old versions of questions in the wrong font. How nice it would have been to just batch edit and say 'Update font properties' and select the new font and size. 3. Add the ability to combine quiz banks. Example: I have have seven chapter quiz banks that I want combined on the final exam. It would be nice to simply make a final exam quiz bank that is comprised of those seven chapter quiz banks, linked, rather than having to copy all the questions from the seven chapters quiz banks into a new one. I know that I can reference the seven chapter quiz banks on the final but administratively that gets ugly to have so much content in one place, and also I wanted the questions to be completely random from all seven chapters, not in order of the chapters, so it had to be its own bank. 4. Add a 'link' feature when copying/moving questions between banks. If I have a question that I want to appear in multiple paces, it would be nice that if I edited it, it would update wherever it lived. It should tell me where else it is used when making an edit.