[Chat] Tagging in Chat

We need the ability to tag our students, especially in areas like Chat. Sometimes we need to get our student's attention, to make sure they see things (esp. with so many courses online), or to get a time-sensitive response to an inquiry. Please develop this feature and move it toward a vote. Thanks!

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Hello  @hrussell ...

All Canvas users (no matter if they are students, instructors, TAs, etc.) have the ability to set their own notification settings in their Canvas account.

For example, your students could go to their "Notifications" page and configure things so that they get notified via e-mail and/or text message about "Submission Comment" (Assignment submission comment).  They can also choose the frequency of those notifications.  This is a global setting, so it applies to all courses that students are enrolled in...not just your course.  Would this existing capability meet your needs?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey  @hrussell . I think Chris brings up some good points that there are many events that already generate notifications. However, I think I understand where you're coming from. One part of what is described in this idea that doesn't exist yet is some way to tag (aka, ping, mention, @mention) someone in Chat. If you would like to refine this idea to describe that functionality I believe we could move it forward for voting. You can modify the idea description by clicking 'Edit' in the top right of the page.

Community Member

Hi Chris,

Yes, I understand and use all those different notifications. The problem is that sometimes students change the notifications and don't get the important ones. Or they don't SEE the important notifications in their email because they don't pay attention to or read all their emails...or because they are getting so many different emails and notifications (esp. now with all their courses online) that they sometimes inadvertently overlook them. I've asked questions and have required revisions of students, for example, that they claim never to have seen. Being able to tag them would get their attention in a quicker fashion. Please consider this option!



Community Member

Hi Adam,

YES! to everything you said above. See my response to Chris though above. It would indeed also be great to have a tagging feature in Chat. Also, separate issue, there's a way to subscribe to Chat in order to be notified of new chats (in the upper-right of the Chat page). However, I never get these notifications so I just have to constantly check chat. I've checked my notifications and settings, but I don't seem to see a solution.

Thanks for your response!


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for the response, Hope. We do need the idea to be modified to only describe a single idea for change (such as "tagging in chat") whereas the idea currently describes multiple ideas. Let me know if you are able to modify it or if you need help.

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