[Catalog] Support for adding tax to Canvas Catalog listings

Problem statement:

Our institution hosts a large number of courses with registration fees - some which are taxable and some which are tax-exempt. For our taxable courses, we ask our sub-catalog administrators to manually add the tax to the total cost of the listing price. This workaround is not ideal as it makes it confusing for us as root administrators (who need to keep track of which listings are taxable vs. tax-exempt), sub-catalog administrators (who need to manually calculate the tax) and for paid registrants (who are not aware of the tax being included in the price.) Our paid registrants also often request reimbursement from their workplaces and are required to provide an itemized receipt.

Proposed solution:

It would be a very helpful to have a checkbox option to add tax in the listing settings. The generated receipt that is sent to registrants should also include the amount of tax that is paid. This piece of data would ideally be included in the revenue report, so our accountant can quickly determine which listings need to be tax deducted.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Catalog Payment Related Improvements Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for sharing your idea! The Product Team reviewed your contribution and feels it aligns well with our existing theme 'Improved flexibility in Catalog listing management and reporting'. Please subscribe to that theme to receive updates.