[Catalog] Option to choose Catalog course listing type - Not always self-paced

Problem statement:

Instructure promotes Catalog as having a variety of uses including professional learning, eLearning courses, training workshops, seminars and webinars yet it has hard coded that all courses are "Self-paced" which is misleading for users.

Proposed solution:

When creating a course or program listing, please include menu to choose the type of course the user is enrolling in which can be customised by the account holder (without needing CSS knowledge). For example, my organisation is using Catalog for staff professional learning. While majority is self-paced online courses through canvas, some of the courses are webinars and some are face-to-face instructor led courses. I would like to choose the delivery mode so that the course card is labelled appropriately and not always self-paced.

User role(s):


Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

hi @TinaBusch 

Thank you for the idea. Are there any more deliver modes you can think of, or are these the two your institution needs? If I get this right, you'd like to have an option (e.g. dropdown) to select from these delivery modes if the dates aren't specified:
- Self paces
- Webinar
- Face-to-face

As we wait for a reply with further information, we’re placing your request in the Seeking Clarity status for two weeks. Please respond by Aug 24 so we can provide your idea the attention it deserves. If you are unable to reply by then, we’ll Archive the thread to allow the Product Team to focus on newer requests.

Thank you!

Community Explorer

Hi @KataKeri 

For our specific purpose it is just Self-paced, Instructor-led (face-to-face) or Webinar.

Workshop, Seminar or Conference might also be useful but not relevant for us.




@TinaBusch Thank you!

Status changed to: Added to Theme

@TinaBusch Thank you for sharing your idea! We reviewed your contribution and the Product Team feels that it aligns well with our existing theme 'Improved flexibility in Catalog listing management and reporting'. Please subscribe to that theme to receive updates.