[Catalog] Enrollment Notification in a Canvas Catalog Course

If you are enrolled in a Catalog course and you remove your enrollment via Canvas that information isn't passed to Catalog and so it will look like you 1) never were enrolled, or 2) look like you're still enrolled. This occurs when you select the enroll button and you cannot move forward with your enrollment. During this task, you do not receive a notification saying this information. A feature idea is to create a notifier to the Catalog customer stating that you are already enrolled in this course when selecting the enroll button.




Added to Theme

Notifications in Catalog Theme Status: Identified

Community Novice

Jessica, are you describing the sequence of events depicted in this video? Catalog_enroll Canvas_drop - YouTube

What I have experienced is that when a student enrolls via Catalog, is removed via Canvas, then attempts to enroll again via Catalog the student does see a notification, and from our perspective this is unwanted behavior. If the student is no longer in the course he should be free to enroll again, but currently he cannot. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Yes, what you showed is EXACTLY the experience we are talking about but we do not even get that red notifier at the top of the screen. How were you able to get that notifier?

Community Coach
Community Coach

This means that a student cannot enroll again in the same course unless they drop from Catalog.

Community Novice

I did not do anything special to get the notifier (and BC didn't, as far as I know, but I can check). Do you at least get that notification if you enroll via Catalog then try to enroll again (without the intervening drop in Canvas)?

Community Coach
Community Coach

No, we do not.

Community Novice

Actually, I guess that one is not an alert banner. If you have an existing Catalog enrollment (and have not been dropped in Canvas) you get this page:


Community Novice

Cristina here (who has been on the BC Catalog project from the start) confirms that we did not do anything special to make that banner appear -- it appears to be out-of-the box functionality. Might UMD have some custom javascript/CSS that affects that page and conceals/overrides the alert banner?

The related feature request that we would like to see is a Canvas student drop actually ending the Catalog enrollment -- so you can cleanly remove a student from a course in Canvas as an admin, without masquerading as the student, going into Catalog and clicking "Drop Course." The latter process is pretty unwieldy if you have to drop multiple students for some reason.

Community Coach
Community Coach

We get that notification and not the previous one.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I would suggest making a feature idea and postings in on here Smiley Happy

Community Participant

I agree this would be helpful! As a workaround, we just removed the course Drop button on our catalog courses by using a CSS file. Fortunately, all of our Catalog courses were in a specific subaccount, just for our professional development courses, so we simply added the CSS file to the subaccount theme and this removed the drop button in those courses so students can no longer drop from Canvas and can only drop from Catalog now. 

If you have subaccounts nested underneath your professional development subaccount, you can always re-add the drop button back to the nested subaccount using another CSS file.