[Canvas Mobile - Parent] Canvas For Elementary and full Parent app support

Problem statement:

The Canvas for Elementary experience for elementary 'observers/parent' does not mirror the experience of middle and high 'observers/parent'. On the Canvas Parent app, 'observers', whose children are not in the C4E experience, see a 'front page' tab in the app giving them access to the modules for the course. 'Observers', whose children are in the C4E experience, see a 'syllabus' tab and cannot access any of the modules in the course. In a C4E teacher’s course, there’s no syllabus tab listed in the navigation and we can’t set a course homepage as a front page, instead we set it as the subject home (our only option). It seems as though the Canvas Parent app does not fully support C4E.

Proposed solution:

C4E 'observers/parents' must be able to see the same thing that non-C4E observers/parents' see. Currently, for a parent with children across multiple schools, they have no way of seeing the modules or front pages of their elementary child's courses, but they can for their middle and high school students. If the inability to set a 'front page' in C4E is preventing this, please correct this and get rid of 'subject home'. Make the needed changes so that the Canvas Parent app fully supports C4E.

User role(s):
