Canvas Commons Preview

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

It would be great if you could preview the actual content you find in Commons before you download it.  This is especially true in regards to modules.  I want to be able to see the quiz questions instead of just knowing there is a quiz in it.

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-01-05).

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Community Participant

Hi Scott,

Sorry, I had a typo is quizzes or assessments with question banks.

I am a new Canvas user and trying to figure out how to use Commons. We are currently in the process of migrating from ANGEL to Canvas. We are using ANGEL Learning Object Repository (Commons) to share question banks within the courses based on sub-account and able to preview questions. I am unable to find this option in Canvas. May be I don't know where to find this or may be this option is not available.



 @gusanip ​,

OK, that makes sense...  Smiley Happy

You'll definitely want to check out Canvas Commons​ which is now available for all accounts.  You might also want to look into the ANGEL Users​ group depending on how far along you are.  Welcome to Canvas!

Community Participant

Thank you Scott. I will certainly check this out.

Community Team
Community Team

+1 for being able to preview content in Commons before it is imported into a course.

Community Champion

Scott, does 'full production release' differ from what we have now?

Community Member

I'd like to know this as well.


Hi Rob,

As I understand it, as of now, any Institution can choose to have Commons turned on for their account.  For the foreseeable future Commons will remain behind a feature flag (meaning that an institution can choose to turn it on or not).

Community Team
Community Team

 @scottdennis ​...

I'm recalling this from memory from a few days ago, but our CSM had turned on Commons for us in the "production" environment, and when I went into the "Feature Options" options on the Admin side, I wasn't able to find any option to turn this on/off.  So, I had our CSM disable Commons from our "production" environment, and we are reviewing it in our "test" environment before going "live".  I can't find any "Feature Option" in this environment, either, that allows us to turn it on/off...even when it's already enabled.  :smileyconfused:


Hi Chris,

Sorry for the the terminology confusion - feature option vs feature flag...   Yes, you can request of your CSM to have Commons turned on in beta, test or production but I believe it is true that you have to ask for the change to be made rather than making it yourself.

Community Team
Community Team

Ooooh!!  o.k.  I didn't pick up on the difference in terminology.  Thanks for pointing that out.