[Calendars] Improve Calendar Interface for all, and especially Observer Accounts

Problem statement:

Calendars can be very difficult to organize with a large group of classes. This is especially true for staff or parents that observe multiple accounts.

Proposed solution:

Several solutions:

  1. Allow ordering of Calendars
  2. Allow calendars to be removed from the list, and then added back as needed
  3. Allow Calendars to be renamed without renaming classes themselves.
  4. Allow Calendars to be placed in folders or grouped under a heading   4b. If doing this, allow Calendars to be appear in more than one folder or heading - i.e. observing 2 students with some classes in common and some not.
  5. Allow someone with multiple observers to select a student from a dropdown menu, similar to how it works on the Dashboard. Only the observed student's classes would appear on the calendar.
User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for submitting your idea. I debated on the proper theme since I think it could have gone into a few different ones; however, I landed on adding to the rest of the calendar-related ideas so that we could consider them as a group. This is now in the Improve calendar scheduling and syncing options for further consideration.