[Calendar] Calendar Events and Assignments for Active and Concluded Enrollments in a Crosslisted Course

Problem statement:

Within a crosslisted course, if there are both active AND concluded enrollments for a user, the Canvas Calendar will show events scheduled for both enrollments. The user will also see assignments from both sections. If a user is enrolled in one section of the mama course as an active enrollment AND enrolled in another section of the mama course as a concluded enrollment, Canvas Calendar events and assignments will show for that user in both sections.

Let's say that Tina is a student in Nancy's course. Nancy's course serves student in general education and those with accommodations. To make sure she is meeting IEP needs, Nancy has two sections in her mama course. One for general education (section A) and one for IEP (section B). Tina's enrollment in section B was concluded and she was added as an active enrollment to section A. She still sees calendar events from section B and now sees conflicting calendar events from section A and is not sure which event she should follow. Because Tina moved from section B that has modified assignments ie. assignments that were duplicated and modified accordingly to provide differentiation according to section/accommodations; into section A with no modified assignments, she is now able to see both assignments and is not sure which assignment she is supposed to complete.

The current work-around is to not conclude student enrollments but to delete the enrollment fully. This is not a desired action as records are required to show student movement.


Proposed solution:

Improve the current logic to identify the active and inactive user in a course and show or hide calendar events, assignments, etc. according to enrollment status. A concluded user does not need to receive or see calendar events and assignment details for a section or course where their enrollment has been concluded.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

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