[Assignments] "Submission details" page is missing a link to SpeedGrader and/or a way to change the late status

Problem statement:

When students submit an assignment a few minutes after the due date, they will often leave a comment on their submission like "my computer rebooted and couldn't upload this in time, can I be excused from the late penalty?" These comments get emailed (with the appropriate settings) to the course teachers, which include a link "Click here to review the submission". This takes you to the "Submission details" page for that particular student's submission for that particular assignment, with a URL like: [CANVAS URL]/courses/12345/assignments/12345/submissions/12345 This page shows the submission, the comments, and shows at the top of the page the late status of the assignment. But unless I am missing something major on this page, there is no way to change the submission status of the submission from Late to "Not Late" (or "Excused", or...), nor is the a way to link to SpeedGrader for the submission (which would allow me to do it). The fact that you can't navigate from the submission to SpeedGrader is particularly annoying, because it means that to fix this problem, I need to mark down the name of the student, navigate back through the LMS to the assignment, enter SpeedGrader, then find that student again.

Proposed solution:

There should either be a way to edit the late status directly, just like in SpeedGrader, and/or there should be a link from the "Submission details" page to SpeedGrader directly.

User role(s):
