[Assignments] Width of the Due Date Container

Due Date Container.pngIt would be very useful to widen the containers in Assignment Edit so that the times in Available From and Until are presented in full.

We have lots of minute specific end times and seeing them in the edit would be one less step in the testing process.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Champion

This would be a very helpful change and I can't imagine it would take much effort to widen the availability box to accommodate a wider date field.  I checked the other places I could think of where dates and times are entered and all the ones I looked at had sufficient width to show both date and time

Community Champion

@JedKeenan -

100% agree on this suggestion.  I just sort of went with it and never cared, but at times it would get to me that I could not see the entire time.  Glad you decided to write it up

Community Participant


I completely agree.  I manage many sections of multiple large enrollment courses in my department.  I edit one course for each type of class, then copy the content into each specific class page.  Students, TAs, day/times for in-class use assignments and quizzes are all different.  Since there is no option that I can find to bulk edit time of day (I can bulk edit dates but not times?!) I must open each item with class specific times of day...  lots of copy/paste for time of day and it is frustrating to have to click, right arrow button several times, then highlight and paste...  would be less clicks and scrolling if I could see all the dates and times together at the same time.  Of course would be much better to batch edit times along with dates...


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Participant
Problem statement:

the full date and time is not visible in many date pickers through the platform for assignments

Proposed solution:

increase the maximum width of the date picker css to allow more use of the container width

User role(s):


Community Participant

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