[Assignments] Clearer indication of extra time received for a student who has been approved for more time for both Quizzes and Assignments

Problem statement:

Students who have approved extra time limit and availability window on either Classic Quizzes/new quizzes or canvas assignments only see a relative time limit AND due date AND from time/date AND until time/date to what has already been provisioned to them. for example for a classic quizzes if the base time limit is 60mins for everyone else and a selected student has an extra 20mins provisioned they only see the time limit as 80mins. The student is unaware of the "base" quiz time limit and then will email the teacher to enquire if they received extra time or not.

Proposed solution:

FROM student view extra time limit could appear as a base+ extra time in green/strong. for example if base is 60mins and the extra time is 20mins for a classic quiz the extra time could appear as 60mins + 20mins, +20mins should be green/strong indicating that it additional. Additionally, for both quiz and assignment, the DUE DATE, FROM DATE, UNTIL DATE could be indicated in green if extra additional from the "everyone else" base dates. This would reduce the amount of enquiries directed at the teacher, to confirm something that is already in place.

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