[Assignments] Add the "Do Not Count Towards Final Grade" checkbox to the Bulk Edit Assignment Page

Problem statement:

Some faculty provide many possible assignments throughout the year from publishers, each with preassigned possible points, that they want students to be able to earn points on throughout the semester and track their completion progress. These faculty have point-based gradebooks and don't want to use weighted gradebooks due to other grading needs. Then, at the end of the semester, they want to not count these points towards the final grade and instead have a single gradebook column that calculates a score out of a set amount of points (e.g. instead of 432 possible points, out of 100 points). At this time, this requires faculty to go into full editing mode for an assignment to check or uncheck the option to have assignments count or not count towards the final grade, even just to verify the status. This gets cumbersome when they have to do this for ~30 assignments in each section.

Proposed solution:

Add the "Do Not Count Towards Final Grade" checkbox to the Bulk Edit Assignment page so that this status can be turned on and off in bulk or so that faculty can quickly scan all assignment to verify which assignments are currently counted or not counted towards the final grade.

User role(s):
