Apply Status [missing, late, excused] while in Speedgrader

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Release Notes (2021-10-16) .

With the new Gradebook, you can apply one of these status items to an assignment:



Our professors would like the ability to toggle different status markers while they are in Speedgrader.

Community Novice

It would be nice to be able to mark the late, missing, and excused marks from within the speedgrader as well as the gradebook. Currently, we can only mark them from the gradebook.

Community Member

I would really like to be able to change missing, late, none from WITHIN speedgrader so I don' t have to enter a grade, go back to gradebook, and then alter one of those settings.

Community Explorer

Please make it possible to change status in Speedgrader, or "Apply All" when changing the status of an assignment for several students.  My teachers are having to explain to parents why their students have missing assignments when the assignment has no submission required AND a grade has been posted for it. It is very cumbersome to have to go into Gradebook and change status for every. single. assignment.  Please fix this.

Community Member

The gradebook/speedgrader has a serious hole in its grading capabilities. Marking assignments as missing (or excused, late, etc.) is an extremely cumbersome process. I think the idea is that these tags are supposed to be automatically applied, but I have gathered that it does not work for all assignments submission types. For example, my school almost entirely uses external submissions (typically from Google Docs cloud assignments) and these are never automatically marked as missing even if the option is selected.

There needs to be more ways to make these markings because students and teachers rely on having these statuses marked properly to make sense of a gradebook. There needs to be a quick and simple way to mark things as missing from the speedgrader and ideally another option from the gradebook itself. My other gradebook, Skyward, has a feature where you can open an assignment and just go down the roster checking a box for missing, late, excused, etc. It is a very quick process to check a box next to every zero and mark things as missing. As things are, I spend an inordinate amount of time just trying to make sure that my gradebook accurately shows missing assignments and it is ridiculous because it would be such a simple feature to make available.

Community Member

Can you please add the status buttons (found in gradebook) to the speed grader?  As a teacher I would like to be able to individually check "Late" or "missing" when using speed grader. 

Community Member

This would be a very useful feature to add to the main speedgrader screen!  It is currently only available when selecting individual students assignments. 

Community Novice

I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY!!!  Having this feature in speed grader means significantly fewer steps to access...  Additionally, it makes more intuitive and logical sense to make such decisions (late, excused, etc) right at the moment the work is being evaluated.  If a student has commented at the time of submission (which I ask them to do if it is late) then I can quickly evaluate their reasoning...

Please do this!!!  It has been nearly TWO years since first request!!!!!

Community Participant

This would be very useful and save lots of time. Please implement this.

Community Member

In SpeedGrader, give the option to change what the assignment is tagged as.  The Late, Missing, Excused tags.  The only way to do that is to go back to the main grade book.  

For instance, if a student submits a blank page or the wrong assignment, it's automatically tagged as turned in.  When I'm in speedgrader, there is no option to change it back to missing.  I have to remember that exact student and assignment and go back to the main grade book.  It would be amazingly helpful to be able to change that tag in the speedgrader. 

Community Member

This is a no-brainer!  +1