[Admin Tools] Admin Notification When Profile Picture Is Reported

Problem statement:

I have worked as an Admin for a few years now and did not know until today that when a profile picture is reported that it goes into an area for admins to approve or delete. There are over 200 photos that were reported that I did nothing about. Most of these most have been done on accident, but there was at least one that might not have been.

Proposed solution:

There needs to be a way to make these reported photos more visible, so that we can handle cases in real time. I propose some kind of instructure notification, similar to what we receive when new admins are added. Or a notification/number next to the sandwich menu in the People tab. Any way to better alert us of these.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Hello community, When a user enters to see the profile picture of their classmates sometimes they click on the "remove avatar" button and the student's profile picture disappears. Then is when the administrator has to access to review these images in order to restore them. There is no analytics or report in Canvas that allows us to know how many images have been removed.

Proposed solution:

We request the inclusion of a counter or a report that we can consult to know how many images have been deleted Thank you Alba

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