Add time option to bulk assignment due date changer

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

The bulk due date changer released 4/18/20 is wonderful, but doesn't include the option to set a due time. Let's vote up the idea to add time to the bulk due date changer!

Community Member

I totally agree, we need the option to change the due time as well without having to go into each individual assignment. It takes way too much time!

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Community Team
Status changed to: On Beta
  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-03-30) 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Glad to see that this is being added. Thank you!

UPDATE: I spoke too soon. The regular date and time picker is not being used for providing a desired time and the time needs to be typed in. This was brought to my attention by @chriscas in its deploy Q&A at


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Community Team
Status changed to: Complete
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-03-30).

Community Member

It says this idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas, but I don't see where. 

Community Member

I don't see it either. I typed in the new times in the bulk editor and they appeared to be okay, but after saving, they all reverted back to 11:59pm.

Community Participant

August 2022 .. still no way to set the due times. Yes, there's a default time now, but it can only be set to the whole hour, all my classes start on the 30 minute mark and assignments are due then. Yes, I could make them due 30 minutes earlier, but that’s strange and confusing, and guaranteed to result in students submitting work late.

There has to be a bulk way to edit all my 9:30 AM due times form a previous semester to say 12:30 PM for this semester once they have been imported (dates are adjusted ok for the most part). Each assignment has two due dates/time (regular and late), say 20 assignments per semester, 40 new dates/time to be set, 3 courses, that’s a 120 time this has to be done (and without errors). Tedious and waste of time. Adjusting dates is much more complex than times, so it's odd they would do one, but not the simpler one.

Community Participant

This is clearly not the case 😕

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Completed