[Account Settings] Restrict visibility for future terms not all future courses by course start date

Problem statement:

When we restrict access to/ visibility of future term's courses we accidentally restrict access to courses in the current term that have not started yet. 


As Canvas admins, we temporarily prevent first-year students from seeing and accessing their future courses. It takes place during part of the summer while their schedules are being made.

To do this: In Account Settings we select the Restrict students from accessing courses before start date checkbox &
Restrict students from viewing future courses in enrollments list checkbox (along with the settings under each: lock this setting for sub-accounts and/or courses)

restrict all.png

Our summer courses’ term starts in May and is one term in Canvas. Outside of Canvas it has two start dates. The second start date is July.


Once we did the above settings in June, students were unable to view any summer 2 course where the instructor changed the Course Settings > Participation: Course: Start date from May to July. This occurred because the Restrict students from viewing future courses before course start date checkbox was selected and not available to be changed.

course participation.png

We were able to change the start date for the course but were unable to get ahead of the issue. We had to fix the courses 1 by 1 as students reported not having access.

Proposed solution:

We would like to restrict visibility for the future with terms so it doesn’t need to restrict all future courses as determined by course start date. Or, at least for the following term so that the current term is not affected. We need this so we can prepare for the future term without affecting the current term. The settings could maybe look as follows:

restrict future terms.png


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