[Account Settings] Password Reset for Local (Canvas generated) Accounts

Problem statement:

We have staff members who are both students/faculty and staff members. Because of this, they count with two Canvas accounts. One connected to their university-assigned email and another one for their staff duties. Locally created accounts in Canvas with a small degree of admin permissions, are not able to reset their own passwords within their profile settings screen. These accounts are being treated as students by Canvas, in the sense that Canvas requires them to reset their passwords via the "Forgot Password" link, or by having another Admin reset their password. This is an inconvenience as the account holders rely on other people to reset their passwords for them defeating the purpose of a password. Additionally, many of these users cannot reset their own passwords through the "Forgot Password" link since their university-designated email is already connected to their primary Canvas account.

Proposed solution:

We are aware of different alternatives such as setting a locally supported custom CSS/JS code, or by running an auth provider ID within a users.csv file under SIS Import. However, I think Canvas should consider this situation a potential flaw, and come up with a monthly update in the future that will allow locally created Canvas accounts the ability to reset their own password.

User role(s):


1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme


Thanks for your submission! Based on what's being asked here, I've identified a theme that I think this would fit well with. It's called Make account configuration more flexible through new account settings. I've associated this idea to the theme.