user Session issue in LTI 1.3

Community Member
Dear group members.
I am developing an application to integrate with Canvas Open Source, through LTI.
The application is normally integrated, but I have a great difficulty in storing the session with the user's data (context_id, custom_canvas_user_id, custom_canvas_user_login_id, oauth_signature, oauth_consumer_key, and other fields).
On the side of the LTI application (TP - Tool Provider) I can get the data that is passed via post by Canvas (context_id, custom_canvas_user_id, custom_canvas_user_login_id, oauth_signature, oauth_consumer_key and other fields) and I'm storing it in a session. If I run my application outside of Canvas, the session data is persisted correctly. If I access the application from within Canvas, I cannot recover the data persisted in the session.
Has anyone ever had to save the data in session in an LTI application? Is this the correct procedure or is there any other way to do this? Does anyone have an example? Any useful documentation?
Note : I have implemented LTI 1.3 using dot net technology.
Suresh Shaw