User Scripts to Add an Additional Identifier to User Names in Various Areas

Community Coach
Community Coach

These user scripts will add in an additional user identifier, such as their email address, in places that only show their name to help differentiate users.  This is especially useful for classes where students have the same name.

To use the user scripts, you will need to use a tool for loading user scripts (such as TamperMonkey Chrome Web Store Listing) or add it as a part of the theme in your Canvas environment (if you are an Account Admin).  If using a tool for loading user scripts, be sure to update the @match web address (as needed) in the header comment.  Users using the Canvas hosted domain name shouldn't need to make any adjustments.  The source code for each desired user script will need to be installed for use with your tool for user scripts or added to your JavaScript Canvas theme file:

The user scripts default to adding the user's primary email address to their name.  However, you can update the value of the "selectedDataOption" in the user scripts to a different key in the dataOptions object to show something else like the SIS ID or login ID.  *Note you must have permission to view these values for them to display.

These user scripts are part of the Code with Ski User Scripts Repository.  It is recommended to review and test the code before using it.  Be sure to check with your school administration/IT staff before using any user scripts in case they have security and/or review guidelines that must be followed before use.