LTI Grading via Outcome Service Error with failer

Community Member

I am trying to submit a grade using the outcomes service in LTI. I am getting an error saying that "Assignment is no longer associated with this tool" even though I have not changed anything in Canvas. I successfully created an External tool that is accessed via the assignment selection and a correct LTI launch is created. The student can take the assignment in our externa tool. I retrieve and store the lis_outcome_service_url and lis_result_sourcedid all without any issued. Below is the outgoing and incoming XML data. Any suggestions on why this error is occurring? Thanks.

send xml:

url: '',

headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'Content-Type': 'application/xml',
Authorization: 'OAuth realm="",oauth_consumer_key="onekey",oauth_nonce="Byvv8KO7yDz0gB4562moKVcMXwj9xAs8Vx03VOWHwI",oauth_timestamp="1671610289",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="smfzLsRcRoaTMjslLpfrgZoOre4%3D"',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.27.2',
'Content-Length': 1961
withCredentials: true,
method: 'post',

data: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' +
' <imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns="">\n' +
' <imsx_POXHeader>\n' +
' <imsx_POXRequestHeaderInfo>\n' +
' <imsx_version>V1.0</imsx_version>\n' +
' <imsx_messageIdentifier>bbe820e2-bf0e-4bda-a78d-3ea15d0c5cac</imsx_messageIdentifier>\n' +
' </imsx_POXRequestHeaderInfo>\n' +
' </imsx_POXHeader>\n' +
' <imsx_POXBody>\n' +
' <replaceResultRequest>\n' +
' <submissionDetails>\n' +
' <needsAdditionalReview/>\n' +
' </submissionDetails>\n' +
' <resultRecord>\n' +
' <sourcedGUID>\n' +
' <sourcedId>110-2-98-7-36e5ff273ef4f3a2645408494aac425d8cb2227c</sourcedId>\n' +
' </sourcedGUID>\n' +
' <result>\n' +
' <resultScore>\n' +
' <language>en</language>\n' +
' <textString>1</textString>\n' +
' </resultScore>\n' +
' <resultData>\n' +
' <ltiLaunchUrl>http://localhost:1014/edit_file?lmsSelFile=I3uJhu3unI4o+/4jD/mYr6VYSkneVPP0OecwkrZ4XnNcjNoC5AuEJpV9+...</ltiLaunchUrl>\n' +
' </resultData>\n' +
' </result>\n' +
' </resultRecord>\n' +
' </replaceResultRequest>\n' +
' </imsx_POXBody>\n' +
' </imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest>'



The response xml is:

data: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' +
'<imsx_POXEnvelopeResponse xmlns="">\n' +
' <imsx_POXHeader>\n' +
' <imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo>\n' +
' <imsx_version>V1.0</imsx_version>\n' +
' <imsx_messageIdentifier/>\n' +
' <imsx_statusInfo>\n' +
' <imsx_codeMajor>failure</imsx_codeMajor>\n' +
' <imsx_severity>status</imsx_severity>\n' +
' <imsx_description>Assignment is no longer associated with this tool\n' +
'[EID_216450000000000118]</imsx_description>\n' +
' <imsx_messageRefIdentifier>bbe820e2-bf0e-4bda-a78d-3ea15d0c5cac</imsx_messageRefIdentifier>\n' +
' <imsx_operationRefIdentifier>replaceResult</imsx_operationRefIdentifier>\n' +
' <ext_canvas_error_code>assignment_tool_mismatch</ext_canvas_error_code>\n' +
' </imsx_statusInfo>\n' +
' </imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo>\n' +
' </imsx_POXHeader>\n' +
' <imsx_POXBody><replaceResultResponse/></imsx_POXBody>\n' +


I  have searched the other one\s post ,but nothing can help.

It make me crazzy~

I know I am using lti1.1 and we will replace it with lti1.3 in the future,But now this problem is important to be solved first.

Any help will appreciate 




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