Get calendar events on a course via API

Community Novice

According to the Calendar Events API it is not possible to retrieve calendar events for a specific course, can that really be true ?

It is possible to retrieve calendar events for a specific user:

  • GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/calendar_events

So one would expect that there also was a way to retrieve calendar events for a specific course:

  • GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/calendar_events


We need to synchronize calendar events per course from an external planning system into Canvas via the API, the events are often not on the same day of the week or time of day. The calendar events are planned ahead of any enrollments being made on the course, so it is not possible to use a random enrolled user on the specific course to retrieve the course calendar events as a work-around strategy.

Synchronization strategy:

Our initial strategy is to delete all calendar events (hence, we need to retrieve all calendar events for a course first) for a course and re-create them, every time there is a change on a course in the external planning system.

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