Exporting Live Events to SQL database with Fluentd (WIP, Contributions and Testers needed)

Community Contributor

Inspiring by @robotcars 's solution to export SQS (Live Events) to SQL (LEDbelly), I'm working on a similar concept.

However, by using Fluentd (open-source), we can eliminate the need for Amazon SQS. Benefits of using Fluentd (What's is Fluentd?) are:

  • It's FREE and fast
  • Flexible and Extensible (Lots of plug-ins for input/output data - E.g. you can set up an email notification flow based on data received)
  • Self-host, thus you have total control over data being sent from Canvas
  • It can process a large amount of data with minimal system resources (E.g. 30-40MB of memory to process 13,000 events/second/core)
  • Ability to route live data from different Canvas's accounts or sub-accounts to different output
  • and maybe more...


  • Linux server (or Docker instance) that is accessible via the internet
  • SSL certificate (free via Let's Encrypt)

Setting Up

A. Set up Database and Fluentd

1. For ease of setup or transition and future updates, I aligned all database schema with LEDbelly's. You can follow the instruction on LEDbelly's GitHub to set up your database (https://github.com/ccsd/ledbelly/wiki/Getting-Started - you will only need to edit the database config file and follow up to step 5)

2. Next, we need to install Fluentd. I use Fluentd-UI to set up Fluentd as it's easier to view logs and config (Alternatively, you can set up Fluentd as a standalone). Enter the following commands to your terminal

If you don't have Ruby Gem on your system, please follow the instructions here to install: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/
$ gem install fluentd-ui $ fluentd-ui setup $ fluentd-ui start --daemonize

You can now access Fluentd-UI via your web browser at http://your_server_ip:9292/ .The default account is username="admin" and password="changeme".

3. Once login, click "Install Fluentd". Fluentd and its config file will be located in /your_linux_user/.fluentd-ui/ 

4. Install plug-ins



#SQL input plugin for Fluentd event collector
$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-sql --no-document
$ fluent-gem install pg --no-document # for postgresql

#fluent plugin to rewrite tag filter
fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter


5. Open fluentd-ui folder and pull config files from my repo


cd ~/.fluentd-ui
git clone https://github.com/jerryngm/fluentd-canvas-live-events-to-sql .
(Please note the period "." at the end of git clone command, this will pull files to the base of fluentd-ui folder)

Then remove the default fluent.conf file
rm fluent.conf


6. Edit fluent.conf.example and save as fluent.conf.

Look for this tag '#your_config_here' and the tag next to it to change the settings accordingly:

  • #http_port - endpoint port to receive JSON live data from Canvas (If you have a firewall on your server, you will need to open this port)
  • #ssl_cert - enter the path to your domain's SSL (SSL cert can be self-signed or obtain for free from Let's Encrypt - How's To)
  • #database_config - config your database here

7. Open Fluentd-UI again and press "Restart"


B. Set Up Canvas Data Service

1. Open "Data Services" from your account/or sub-account Admin page

2. Click "+ Add" button

3. Config as follow:

  1. Enter stream name
  2. Select "HTTPS"
  3. Enter Fluentd endpoint. E.g.  https://[your_server_ip]:fluentd_http_port/canvas (/canvas is the tag name that I use in my config)
  4. Select events (as many as you like) that you want to subscribe
  5. Press "Save & Exit"


Congratulation 🎉, it's now up and running. You can test it by creating an account announcement or a discussion topic.

Open your database and run the following query to see your live events data 😏




select * from live_discussion_topic_created
select * from live_account_notification_created


How Its Works

Fluentd documents are located here https://docs.fluentd.org/

In short, Fluentd consists of 3 main components:

  • Input - in our case, we use http as an endpoint to receive JSON data from Canvas Live Events
  • Filter - extract or manipulate data
  • Output (match) - once data is extracted/manipulated we can then store it (in a database) or trigger an action (e.g. email notification)

Each components process data through various plug-ins

fluentd-architecture (1).png

Fluentd Config File

Settings for input/filter/output and its plug-ins are all configurable in a single fluentd.conf file (or multiple .conf file by using '@include con.conf' in the main config file)

Each data received by Fluentd is assigned a tag name (In our case, it's defined by Fluentd's http endpoint which is /canvas)

Data will route through the config file using that tag name

Visualisation of our config flow


  1. Located in the main config file: https://github.com/jerryngm/fluentd-canvas-live-events-to-sql/blob/main/fluent.conf.example
  2. Located here: https://github.com/jerryngm/fluentd-canvas-live-events-to-sql/blob/main/config/canvas_tagrewriterule...
  3. Located here: https://github.com/jerryngm/fluentd-canvas-live-events-to-sql/blob/main/config/filter/metadata/canva...
  4. Located in "filter" folder: https://github.com/jerryngm/fluentd-canvas-live-events-to-sql/tree/main/config/filter
  5. Located in "output" folder: https://github.com/jerryngm/fluentd-canvas-live-events-to-sql/tree/main/config/output

To-do list

There are still a lot of works to be done for this project. As you can see I only have the filter and output config files for two (2) event types. Works to be done are as follow:

  • ✔️ Filter config files to extract data for each live event (template here.....)  (LEDbelly body data for each event)
  • ✔️ Output config files to store data to each table (templater here......) (LEDbelly scheme for each table)
  • 🆕 Test config files
  • 🆕 Batch script to setup Fluentd automatically
  • Filter and config files for Calipher message type
  • README file and Wiki for our repo
  • @robotcars  it would be great if we could write a script/or Github action to update Live Event's schema for both of our repo once your's is updated
  • A new catchy name??

Please contact me if you want to maintain or contribute to this project. Thank you 😎

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