Creating Users with API

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I am trying to create users, using the API with an authentication_provider_id field being populated. Since it is not one of the fields in the schema, I do not think I can send it with the post. I did, however, attempt it anyway and it gets ignored. The field is blank for all new users. 

How can I create a user with the authentication_provider_id field, or immediately populate that field using the API?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

 @kfavara ,

Have you verified the IDs for the authentication providers through the API?

GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/authentication_providers ‍

When I do that for my site, I get this.


The 632 is what I would use for our CAS system and the 1830 is what I would use for Canvas.

I can't say that will fix the issue (that is, I haven't actually created a user this way), but those are the numbers that you would need to use. Usually things that are in the documentation work and occasionally there are some things that aren't in the documentation that work. Since you say it works for everything but the authentication_provider_id, that's where I would start.

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