Canvas Developer Key Deployment Bug

Community Member

When I add an LTI Developer Key and set "Homework Submission" as a deployment, for some reason it doesn't show up when I'm creating an assignment and do try to set the submission type to an external tool. The odd thing is, I have had times that it works and times it does not. Am I missing something in my configuration or is this a bug?

Here is the configuration:

   "title": "CHANGE ME — this will be the title of the WebCOM app as it appears in the Canvas integration",
   "scopes": [
   "extensions": [
            "platform": "",
            "privacy_level": "public",
            "settings": {
                  "platform": "",
                  "placements": [
                              "placement": "homework_submission",
                              "message_type": "LtiDeepLinkingRequest"
                  "tool_configuration": {
                        "placement": "tool_configuration",
                        "message_type": "LtiResourceLinkRequest"
   "public_jwk": {
      "e": "AQAB",
      "n": "removed",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "kid": "removed,
      "kty": "RSA",
      "use": "sig"
   "description": "Launch into WebCOM",
   "custom_fields": {},
   "target_link_uri": "",
   "oidc_initiation_url": ""
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