Canvas Commons API - user search oddities

Community Contributor

This is something you can see in the user interface, which uses the API if you look at the network panel of your browser developer tools.

When adding a user to a group, the search returns non-matching results.

If you search with quotes you get fewer results unless you have punctuation, e.g. spaces, or even an email address, so searching for returns all the users. Searching for myemail alone with no quotes returns partial matches like "mye" but searching for "myemail" in quotes returns my specific result. Searching for any variation of my full name returns all manner of results - all the "David"s and all the "Tod"s even partials.

This all happens with the API which is where I'm working, but like I say, it's visible in the UI. This makes it hard to find specific users using the API unless you filter the results.

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