Can I use the API to post an assignment to a SECTION instead of an entire course?

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Community Novice

I think I have an easy one!

I have an API integration that is currently working pretty well in Canvas.  Teachers can use my application to create a new assignment for their course and it posts to their instance of Canvas using

POST post /v1/courses/{course_id}/assignments

My application grades the assignments and passes the grades back to Canvas using the LTI outcome service.  All of this reduces teachers' workload quite nicely.

Is there a way to post an assignment to a SECTION instead of a course? Do I need to create an OVERRIDE to assign to a section to do this?


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1 Solution
Community Novice

I have this figured out now, so I may as well answer my own question.

In order to create an assignment that is only visible to a single section of a multi-sectioned course, you must

1. Create the assignment and set its "only_visible_to_overrides" key to true

2. Create an override for the assignment and specify the course_section_id that the override should apply to (the section that you want to be able to do the assignment)

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