Bulk Remove Students Tool (Updated 2/16/22)

Community Contributor

I created a new userscript for removing students from courses in bulk. This will be particularly useful when managing clubs/activity and remediation manually created courses that aren’t set to conclude. For instance, I can see us using this heavily to manage NHS/NJHS, Class of "2018" courses, LOTE clubs, and anything else that has rolling members.


To setup the script –

  1. Install Tampermonkey (if you don’t have it already)
  2. Install the script by going to the following link
    1. Click the “install” button that pops up in Tampermonkey
  3. Change the "@include" on line 7 to match your institutions Canvas URL setup
    // @include https://*.instructure.com/courses/*/users‍‍
  4. It is currently setup to only be visible to admin as our teachers don't have enrollment privileges
    1. If you are a teacher with enrollment privileges (you can add/remove people), then change Line 22 to include "teacher" as a role.
      var buttonRoles = ["teacher", "admin", "root_admin"];‍‍‍


To use the script –

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Navigate to the people tab in a course and it should pop up near the top.



  1. Lists student name, section, enrollment date, and last activity date in a sortable table.
  2. Select All checkbox or select individual students


Limitations –

  1. This currently only works for students. I figure we don’t usually have more than a handful of teachers in a course, so that can usually be managed by hand.


Let me know what you think and if have feature ideas or improvements, let me know!


*EDIT 2/16/22 - Added pagination to load all students at once and async chunking of removal requests to prevent rate limitation errors. I also added loading icons to make user aware script is running.

*EDIT 4/22/19 - Added Section column*




Community Champion

@JennaFedewa -

Chad is no longer on the forum(I believe).

In any case, you have to turn on developer mode in your browser for tampermonkey to work (somewhat recent change)

here is the link for it(hopefully it shows up) ( I just tried the link, you want Q407 from this link...

if the link does not work, just search tampermonkey developer mode


Community Explorer

Unfortunately @Ron_Bowman that does not appear to fix the tool, any other thoughts on this? 



Thank you!

Community Member

Did anyone figure out how to make this work?  @JennaFedewa any luck with tampermonkey? I have been able to download it, turn on developer mode, but then I have no clue how to modify the code to change to my course name.

Community Member

I've found that this other extension works just as well if you haven't been able to get this one to work.

Community Member

@andersonj, thanks for the reference, it worked seamlessly to remove my 135 students from a program Canvas page!  I watched it in action and took less than one minute.  I was dreading this task of removing students because I did not want to delete one by one which now saved me so much time.  Now to add my new cohort of students!