API for Individual Student Attendence in a Course

Community Member

I am trying to pull student attendance data for a specific course.

My current method is to use: 'api/v1/users/sis_user_id:$user_sis_id?access_token=$access_token' to get the user's ID in canvas that is different than the $sis_user_id in this case.

Once I have the User's ID, I use: api/v1/courses/sis_course_id:$courseID/analytics/student_summaries?access_token=$access_token to get the course student summaries for each student enrolled in the course. Using php I am able to find the student summary for the specific user ID that I found above getting the user's [tardiness_breakdown] =>[missing] number.

This seems to work most of the time, but for some students, the 'missing' number is a large number like 10 which is not correct.

Any ideas on why this might be the case? Or other api to pull user absence data?