Resetting course content in Canvas disassociates Catalog listing

Community Explorer

A few days ago, I decided to replace content in one of the courses with a more up-to-date course export. So, I reset the course, imported content and everything was fine. I had no idea that Canvas would essentially delete the old course and replace it with a new one that is not associated with any Catalog listings. There was no indication or feedback that checkout was no longer working. I only found out about it because I went to fix a minor issue on the website. 

In the end, I recreated the listing as I was told there was no way to fix it after the fact. My questions are:

  • The old listing is still showing enrollments, and they are still showing up in People in the course. Will there be any issues for them with the Student Dashboard?
  • Since the Reset feature is a lot more dangerous when Catalog is involved, how do I prevent my instructors from using it?
  • If that happens again (not by me!) is there a different way to fix it after the fact?