Is it possible to use Canvas Studio with Canvas Catalog?

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We would like to use the payment gateway features of Catalog AND the interactive learning features of Studio. Is this possible?

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@TravisBader Canvas Studio is an add-on for Canvas that allows you to create video content that can be embedded in courses.  Catalog is a way to create a "storefront" of your Canvas courses.  So both can be used as one is plugging into Canvas and the other is a way to access Canvas.  They really do not have anything to do with each other as each is based on Canvas courses.  

Ultimately, the work flow is building a Canvas course that may include Studio videos.  That course is then linked to Catalog so people can enroll and potentially pay for the course.  Catalog and Studio are not directly interacting in anyway but do indirectly through the course.

We use both so if that does not help answer your question, please reach back out!


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