Use AI to Author Better Outcomes - Right in Canvas



ELumen is excited to announce a new AI feature in Canvas! We’ve added the AI-driven Insights Quality Check for Canvas Outcomes - and it’s free for all Canvas Outcomes users! This powerful feature enables instructional designers and faculty who are writing or editing outcomes to quality check the outcome using generative AI directly in the Canvas Outcomes rich content editor. 

Insights Quality Check for Canvas Outcomes checks the outcome against standard models like Bloom’s taxonomy and the expected knowledge in the domain, identifies common errors in the learning outcome authoring, and recommends a better expression of your learning outcome based on your institution’s outcome quality configuration. 

For example, the tool may recommend replacing the word “learn” in an outcome with “demonstrate understanding” to align with the comprehension level in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Insights always provides an explanation for the change—and leaves it entirely up to the author whether to accept, modify, or reject the recommendation. eLumen believes that the use of AI tools should be optional, come with some form of “show your work” user experience, and have the ability to reject the recommendation.


This AI-driven tool uses GPT-4, which is generative AI. This kind of AI learns the patterns and structures in training data to create new data that resembles the training data. This quality tool is one of the native features of Insights for Canvas Outcomes that helps institutions improve instruction and ease the workflow for faculty and staff. eLumen is excited to make it available to all Canvas customers. 

To see a short video of this new tool in action, or to sign up to be one of the first to try the Insights Quality Check for Canvas Outcomes, visit the Outcomes Insights page on the Emerging AI Marketplace.

If you’re interested in learning more about Insights for Canvas Outcomes, contact your Canvas CSM, visit our website, or request a demo of Insights. And if your institution has not yet enabled Canvas outcomes, please talk with your Canvas CSM about turning it on. It’s the first step towards creating a culture of continuous improvement and transparent student learning at your institution!

Community Coach
Community Coach

This will be a breath of fresh air for many educators and IDs. I use GPT4 to help me refine and look for ways to enhance learning outcomes, but it's still something of a manual process.  A user-friendly platform would be very welcomed if it could streamline the workflow.  Looks like a promising tool. 

Community Participant

I am interested in how you use it to enhance learning outcomes. Do you use it to provide suggestions for adjusting instruction or assessments or something else?


I use GPT 4 to grade student essays and provide 2-3 suggestions for improvement. It would be grade to do this directly from Canvas with an add in. Also, I would like to see a feature in CanvasLMS that creates templates for learning pathways. It is a significant consumption of time to create these pathways for each Unit.


Community Explorer


My institution is planning on using eLumen.  I am being told by the IT people at my school that eLumen is the same thing as Canvas Data 2.  Is this the case?  Because I'm planing on extracting Canvas Data 2 into a SQL Server data warehouse and it seems to me that eLumen focusses on learning outcomes assessment.  Would we get Canvas Data 2 after we implement eLumen at my institution?


I think that eLumen and Canvas Data 2 would complement each other, but that they are not the same thing.  eLumen is a sophisticated extract and transformation of Canvas to allow for the analysis of learning outcomes.  Am I correct?


Hi @fcolina

Insights for Canvas Outcomes by eLumen is not the same thing as Canvas Data 2. eLumen is an Instructure partner. We leverage the Canvas UI library and thus look very much like Canvas, so I understand your school's confusion. 🙂

Insights harvests data and evidence from Canvas (and external assessment if you wish) and allows you to do aggregated and longitudinal analysis of outcomes, courses, and programs. As part of the subscription, we give each customer their own data lake, to which you can point your favorite visualization tool (Tableau, PowerBI, etc). If you use that as one endpoint and CD2 as a second endpoint, the solutions certainly can compliment each other and give you even richer data. Hope that helps! 

Community Explorer


Thank you for your response.  I really appreciate it because it clarifies a point of confusion with IT at my school.
