Using Zoom LTI Pro without pre-provisioning

Community Member

Hi all,

So I've run into an odd problem with the Zoom LTI Pro and was wondering if anyone has gotten this specific configuration to work properly.

Within the Zoom LTI Pro there is an option to auto-provision instructors and students. The specific wording of this configuration found in the below path is "Users that are automatically created will receive an email notification unless your org uses managed domains or trusted domains." 

Located by going to the LTI Pro app in the Zoom Marketplace ( ) > Manage > Configure > Edit > LTI Credentials >  Auto Provision Zoom Users.

The documentation for the app (found here: ) shows that it should do exactly what we're looking for:

"If Auto Provision Zoom Users is enabled, LTI Pro users that do not have a user account can have a user account automatically created for them by LTI Pro. LTI Pro administrators can choose to auto provision user accounts for Instructors only or for both Instructors and Students."

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