Quiz question on a quiz question

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Whenever I make a quiz or an exam, once I have added the final question on the exam, I select 'Save' of course. Nevertheless, I have noticed that when I go back in to check the questions, inevitably, the final question is gone and I have to rewrite it a second time. The only way it will save the final question is if I select '+Add another question' prior to saving it. 

This is troublesome when I am in a hurry, and, although it has not yet happened, I could imagine letting students take the quiz with a key question missing.

I can't imagine that I am the only one who has experienced this.

Could this be changed to automatically save all questions without having to select '+Add another question'?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @mark-f 

I have never experienced this in more than 8 years in Canvas. I update the last question, click Save or Save and Publish, and all questions are there. This must be very frustrating! Are you sure you are clicking "Update Question" when you are finished with the last question?

I just tested this in one of my Canvas accounts, and it worked as expected, so nothing has been changed that I can see.

I would strongly suggest reporting this to Canvas Support to get their help. Go to Help, then chose "Report a Problem".

Good luck!


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