Peer Reviews Erasing Instructor/TA Grades

Community Explorer

Hello,  I had an issue with a course I designed where the TA's grades and comments both disappeared after students completed their peer reviews.  The timeline and settings were something like this:

  1. Students upload their submission to the assignment (it was a group assignment, so one per group).
  2. TAs grade student submissions with a rubric. They leave comments on the rubric and assign a grade.
  3. Peers provide feedback to their Canvas-assigned peers (not anonymous).
  4. At some point after getting that feedback, the TA-filled rubrics are no longer accessible.  Also, the grade from the TAs dissappears, leaving a blank grade field.  This went unnoticed until TAs were reviewing final grades.

Has this happened to anyone else?  Does it have to do with something in my settings?  Or is this a glitch that Canvas needs to fix?  Or do TAs just need to wait to grade the assignment until after peer reviews are complete?

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