Late policy is badly designed

Community Explorer

I am amazed that the current late policy by Canvas is a complete fault. If I misunderstand the situation, please correct me. I want to have a small deduction of 5% per day, but after 10 days, a student will still get something if he submits his assignment. 

So naturally, the "Late submission deduction percentage" is 5% per day. And "Lowest possible grade percentage" set to 50%. This sounds reasonable, right?

No, what I get is if a student was late for 10 days and only did half of the homework, he won't be penalized at all. Canvas' "logic" is to deduct 5% (of the total points but not the actual points of the homework) per day. And then if the award score is less than 50%, it is not going to deduct anything. I don't understand how it makes any sense to Canvas's developers. 

For example, if the assignment's total point is 100 points and the student submits more than 10 days late with an assignment half complete, shouldn't his points be 50 * 50% = 25 points. At the moment, it just doesn't seem to have a way to do that. Actually, the student will not be penalized at all and got 50%. So he has no incentive to complete the entire homework. Because doing the entire homework will also get him 50 points only.

Canvas team. Please address this.