LTI 1.3 Launch Cache issue, when same LTI App used to complete the two different assignment

Community Member

LMS Structure Is:
1. Course-1 -> Upload your drawing -> Submission Type LTI1.3 as external tool
2. Course-2 -> Upload your video -> Submission Type LTI1.3 as external tool

LTI1.3 external tool is configured using the admin account and has the same client id and deployment id.
Professor used the same LTI tool as external submission type to complete the assignment in two different courses.
The student is assigned both the course.

When student launched LTI tool in Course-1, "" contains the correct assignment name and all other parameters.

When student launch LTI tool in Course-2 after 2-3 minutes then launch parameters contains the previous launch resource link and context values. However It must display the new assignment name and new course details.

Please let me know, how to handle this cache issue.

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