How to set up Mastery Paths?

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Hello! I am an admin interested in exploring Mastery Paths.

Where do I start?

The guides for this have been particularly unhelpful, and the video guide is marked outdated and deprecated.

I can see that Mastery Paths is an optional Feature in our account.

Once this is turned on globally in an instance, what next steps must I take to see it in action?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @alexander_mitch 

As an Admin you can either "Turn it On" or "Allow" it. After that, you only real job is to guide your instructors in how to use it, because it is a course-level feature.

One of the best write ups on Mastery paths comes from my friend  @kona ‌, and can be found at Hacking Mastery Paths 

The guides you might find most useful include:

And finally, 

I hope this is helpful. What I suggest is creating a sandbox, and playing with MP until you understand the ins and outs.


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