How do I undo or re-do a course import?

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How do I undo a course import?  I stupidly imported a new course template from Commons for both my sections, and what I should have done was import it once, customized, then imported the first course to the second course.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @charlie_groth ...

There really isn't a way to "undo" a course import.  That would be super nice, though, right?  There is a Feature Idea currently open for voting called which may be of interest to you.  If you feel that this Feature Idea aligns with something you'd like to see implemented by Instructure, then you might want to consider voting for it and also posting a note at the bottom of it letting them know why this would be important to you.

It is possible to "reset" a course, but that would wipe out the entire contents of your course, and you'd have to re-import content from another course or from Canvas you'd want to make sure you weigh the options if you went this direction.  Here's more info: How do I reset course content?

If you were importing content into your course and had existing content already in there prior to your import from Commons, there might be one more solution.  You would reset your course as described above.  Then, you might be able to export your course from your school's "beta" or "test" environment.  You would then import that exported file back into your school's "production" environment (the environment you normally log in to).  Then, import the content the way you had originally intended.

I hope this will be of help to you, Charlie.  Let Community members know if you have any additional questions.

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